Uses and benefits
The Maxi Power+ is our most powerful Miller for the toughest jobs. Perfect for heavy tuberculate and problem roots. Remove concrete or failed CIPP linings with a range of heavy-duty, specialized tools. Unique power requirements mean that this Miller needs a comparable 3-phase, 400v generator. It weighs 113kg (249 lbs) and the separate control box weighs 16kg (35 lbs). The Power+ operates at 500 to 1500 rpm, 3.0 kW output. Strong aluminium frame and two sets of wheels makes movement easy.
Standard safety features include:
- protective outer shaft casing making the cable safe to hold
- shielded operator presence foot control
- safety clutch and,
- emergency stop switch.
Technical spec
Maxi Power+ |
Cleaning / Descaling |
DN100-300 (4-12") |
Cutting / Reinstatement |
DN150-300 (6-12") |
Liner Removal |
DN70-225 (3-9")
Concrete, Grout & Slurry Removal |
DN150-225 (6-9")
Range |
18m (59ft) + 22m (76ft) extension through 2 x 11m (36ft) extensions
Additional Requirements |
400v, 3-phase generator
How to use
The Picote Maxi Power+ is designed for heavy-duty work in bigger pipes:
Descaling | Root Cutting | Reinstatements | Concrete & Grout Removal | Removing Metal Rebar | Removing Intruding Connections & Displaced Joints | Removing Failed Patches & Failed or Collapsed CIPP Linings | Removing Foreign Objects | Pipe Bungs | Specialized Tooling
Always use with the Picote Generator or comparable 400V/3-phase unit.
Original Premium Chain
Original Premium Chains available for⅓", ½" & ¾" Shaft. For Midi Cleaner with ⅜" Shaft, use a Shaft Connector
Shaft Connector
Shaft Connectors available for ⅓", ⅜" & ½" shafts (8mm, 12mm & 18mm shafts). Not suitable for Mini Cleaner.
Sleeves for shafts. Available for ⅓", ⅜" & ½" shafts (8mm, 12mm & 18mm shafts). Not suitable for Mini Cleaners.
Flexible Shaft Extension
Extension shafts available for all Miller models except the Mini Cleaner.
Replacement Flexible Shaft
Replacement Flexible Shafts available for all Miller models.
Leaders used to connect tools quickly. Available in ⅓", ⅜", ½" & ¾" (8, 10, 12 & 18mm) shaft sizes
Steering Axle
Steering Axle and Bearing, concrete remover spare part. For fine-tuning or steering tools
Shaft Lubricant
Shaft Lubricant Oil, for rotating Miller shafts